
Sunday, August 21, 2011

CNE interruptus

TAS South will not be accepting any animals for adoption for the next two weeks while the CNE is on because access to the facility is too uncertain, so no new photos until the dogs start coming in again. Hmm, what will I do with myself ...


  1. Hi Fred, The question is: what will we do without you?
    I believe that often your photo is the deciding factor in bringing people in to TAS south to adopt. Is there any chance you could bring your magic to another of TAS's shelters over the next couple of weeks? I'd love to get to know another location.
    Sorry to be so inconsiderate when you must need a break. Just a thought.

  2. I think you should work on getting your blog into a daily newspaper! I am sure the adoption rate would soar once they got a look at your 'uber cute' doggy photos!

  3. Well, there won't be any new DOGS...there are always new animals in the other departments!
    Enjoy your break Fred!

  4. For those us of not in the area..What is "CNE"?

  5. Or, alternately, you could do street essays, about the dogs you meet every day, or follow up on a couple of the dogs from past postings, or even a greatest hits listing or a couple of guest posters or....

    Two weeks without this blog will be rough!

  6. Laura, are they still accepting new cats and small domestics? Sorry, I didn't realize. Have you been able to get in?

    royalcoonhounds, the CNE is the Canadian National Exhibition which comes around at this time every year for 2 - 3 weeks. It's a large fair and it takes over the whole area surrounding TAS South. With all the rides and exhibits, it's difficult to walk the dogs and there's very limited public access for potential adopters so this year TAS-S is holding off on accepting any new adoptable dogs for the duration.

    Anon, I'll still be posting some stuff, just no new TAS dog pics for a while.

  7. Well, there are too many cats to be able to foist responsibility off on the other shelters. I think they're trying not to accept anymore than they have to, but inevitably more come in. I think it's unlikely we'll get new small animals since those usually come to us through surrenders, but we do have a full house that needs attention and socializing.
    The shelter gave me a pass to get into the Ex. They have passes for a bunch of volunteers, I know some dog walkers have been coming in. You could probably get in too if you wanted to - but it is pretty crazy there right now, might be nice to get away for a bit!

  8. Both me and my clients at CAMH who participate in my pet therapy with Clacker will miss you! While they groom and talk to Clacker I show them your pics from the past week. They just melt away and I've never seen bigger smiles and calmer dispositions...thank you, and looking forward to your return...

  9. thecravinglife, Seriously? Well, very glad to be of help.

    BTW, nice pics of Clacker and Shorty on your site. I wonder if Shorty's ever met Stella once upon a time at Trinity Bellwoods.
