
Monday, August 8, 2011

Charlie and Maggie - Loyal Rescue

This week's crosspost photo is of Charlie and Maggie, two six month old, female Pomeranian Australian Shepherd mix pups at Loyal Rescue. They've got some eyesight issues but since dogs don't have to write legal briefs or do financial audits, they generally get along just fine with blurry vision.

Maggie is the bushy one on the right. Charlie is the one singing.


  1. Um, oh my gosh, could these two be any cuter?

  2. oh god, these two are SO. CUTE. And given that my experience is that dog's coiffure usually matches their personality - I'm already in love with Maggie. So cute!

  3. If I lived anywhere even remotely commutable to where you're located, I'd have to stop looking at your pictures entirely. I've managed to build up a fairly decent resistance to shelter pictures, but I am helpless against all the ones you post here, Fred.

    Gonna go explode now.

  4. That's a picture I'd love to have in a frame on my wall. Too cute.

  5. That much cuteness should not be allowed to reside in one picture.

  6. Maggie looks the exact way I feel the morning after a really spectacular night before....

  7. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before these two super cute characters are snapped up - but what happens to the dogs that don't have that wow factor, like poor Deedee who has been at the shelter sine June 2 or Maggie, since July 17. How long does TAS keep them before moving them somewhere else? Please tell me all that are fit and able evenually find a home, no matter how long it takes??

  8. Anon, or Beau who has been at the South shelter since April. I don't know about the other locations but South does not give up on its dogs who are in general adoption. Unfortunately, some end up staying there for quite a long time before they find a home. Sometimes the longer residents are rotated between different shelters. Sometimes a foster family with a rescue is found for them. Unless a dog becomes ill and the prognosis is extremely bad, I've never known a dog in adoption to be euthanized.

    Having said that, we must remember to celebrate our "easy" dogs as well. Every dog adopted is a win.

  9. Thanks for that, I can now sleep at night!
