
Monday, August 22, 2011

Rin Tin Tin - the world's first famous rescue dog

I love how The New Yorker magazine has in-depth articles about dogs so often. Here's one, in the latest issue, about Rin Tin Tin, an abandoned German Shepherd dog rescued from battle torn France in WW1 turned Hollywood action star of the 1920s.

From The New Yorker, on-line:

Rin Tin Tin was born on a battlefield in the Meuse Valley, in eastern France, in September, 1918. The exact date isn’t certain, but when Leland Duncan found the puppy, he was still blind and nursing. Duncan was assigned to the 135th Aero Squadron and vividly recalled the morning of September 15, 1918, when he was sent to inspect the ruins of a German encampment. “I came upon what might have been headquarters for some working dogs,” he wrote. But hiding nearby was a starving, frantic German shepherd female and a litter of five puppies. From the moment he found the dogs, Duncan considered himself a lucky man. He thought about that luck when it came to naming the two puppies he eventually kept for himself—the prettiest ones, a male and a female. He called them Rin Tin Tin and Nanette ...

The full article is behind a pay wall but here's a short video accompaniment.

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