
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Unnamed - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Sad face.

Sad face.

Ah, finally. Happy face.

A couple we walked by, who had their own dog with them, were very interested in this lovely little Cavalier Spaniel and would have taken her on the spot but she still needs to be health checked and spayed. I don't think she'll have any problems finding a home.

For adoption information on this dog and other dogs (and cats and other animals), please visit Toronto Animal Services.


  1. AWWWWW. Poor little munchkin. She'll get adopted in no time.

    Want to have your heart break? A little boy wanted a good life for his beloved dog...coincidentally also a King Charles Cavalier spaniel.

  2. Yeah, that report actually made it to CNN. Maybe I'm jaded but I'm surprised that piece made it so far up the media food chain. Very glad for the quick resolution and happy ending for the pooch. Getting rid of a dog because of a divorce must be in the top three reasons for abandonment after "too much work" and "moving into a new condo".

  3. What kind of freakin' moron buys a no-pets concrete box when they have a pet?
    A really, unbelievably stupid, selfish person.

    Too much work...and what do they plan to do with the kids?

    Divorce...that's just another excuse.
