
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Daisy and Rudy - Bonded Cocker Spaniels

These two are presently at Toronto Animal Services West. I'd luv to go meet them myself but with all the Christmas stuff going on, I'm not sure if I can squeeze in the time before the holidays. In the meanwhile, here's their write-up from TAS West:

Daisy is a 6 year old, spayed female Cocker Spaniel. She is blind in both eyes and may have been that way since birth – she certainly doesn't let it bother her! She is a very sweet girl and despite her disability, she is not nervous nor easily startled. If you speak to her, she will walk towards you. She walks very nicely (though slowly) on a leash – you have to be mindful though, because she will walk into obstacles if you don't look out for her. Daisy gets along well with other dogs, although it would not be fair to put her with a rambunctious youngster that would jump all over her.

Ideally, we would like to see Daisy go to a home that would also take her friend Rudy, a 9 year old neutered male. He is a very good natured, friendly fellow, although he doesn't really like some other male dogs. He will nudge Daisy along and encourage her when she's dawdling and she walks much more confidently when he's with her. Rudy has a heart murmur and may require further veterinary care in the future.

All the staff at Toronto Animal Services West want for Christmas is to see these two get a loving home in time for the holidays!



Daisy and Rudy

The best way to check on the adoption status of Daisy and Rudy is to visit Toronto Animal Services adoption website or call (416) 338-6271 for the Toronto Animal Services West shelter. If they are no longer on the TAS adoption website, it's probably because they've been adopted already.


  1. who leaves these two at a shelter when they have known no other life than together!

  2. Hi - thanks for posting this. I volunteer at the West end shelter on the week-ends and have walked Daisy and Rudy together. Daisy gets along quite well with Rudy along and they should definitely get adopted together. Here's wishing they find their new home together soon!

  3. what A**hole gives these two up????!!!!!! Arggg.

    Sharing this post on FB - hope they find a home together soon.
