
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Zack - Red Labrador Retriever mix puppy

Zack is squiggly, squirly pup who lurves everything and every one.

He'd had parvo for a while there and we weren't sure if he was going to make it. That day James was able to bring him out of quarantine wrapped in a blanket in order to weigh him, he was an exhausted little puppy but it also looked like he was going to pull through.

Now fully recovered from his physical illness, Zack needs someone to cure his lonely heart.

The best way to check on the adoption status of this dog (and other dogs and cats and other small domestic animals) is to visit Toronto Animal Services adoption website or call 416 338 6668 for the Toronto Animal Services South shelter. If the dog is no longer on the TAS adoption website, it's probably because it's been adopted already.

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwwwwww zack is so handsome, Hope he gets his forever home soon! He deserves some special loving after his trials
