
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Max - German Shepherd mix

Amazingly laid back and friendly personality. I wouldn't be surprised if the first person who goes to see this guy, takes him home.

Update on Max here.

For adoption information on these and other dogs (and cats and other animals), please visit Toronto Animal Services.


  1. I suspect that you are secretly holding a piece of salami in your mouth when you take these pix. What a kind, sweet face. I keep coming back and back and back to the dane. I only hope she gets the home she deserves. Otherwise I could wind up in a heap of trouble.

  2. Not a bad idea. I sometimes try to tempt these guys with a treat but more often than not they're not interested. I'm not sure if that says something about the quality of the treat or me.

    This guy was a really good model, calm and attentive. I think he's been adopted already.

  3. This pup has a great "look"-direct,interested, questioning.
    but my fav part of him is his mouth-the one curly hair,the snow on the chin and how soft it looks. I can imagine hand feeding him.
    I sure hope he is now in a forever loving home. Bet he is a great companion.

  4. Not surprised he's adopted: what a handsome dog!

    From personal experience, using food as a means of getting focus from strays and street animals only results in lovely pictures of noses and teeth as the animal in question learns the new trick of snatching the food at speed that approach that of light. Possibly not quite so startling with pound dogs, who, after all, do get fed regularly.

    From the lady with a very swollen lip from lipping a treat while setting up a kitten shoot!

  5. what breed is this dog? x

  6. Anon, sorry, your guess is as good as mine with regards to breed mix.

  7. Ahh, he looks 90% similar to my dog! and im trying to figure out what his mix is! Vets say he's a german shepherd husky but I doubt it. Super cute dog.
