
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Miniature Pinscher Mix Puppy

A bunch of Miniature Pinscher pups came into Toronto Animal Services South a few days ago.

Holy bat ears, Batman, was the first thing I thought when I saw them.

I wanted to take photos of them this afternoon but, as I discovered, it was way too bright and way too cold for them outside. I had this girl out for not more than five minutes and she was squinting and shivering and not enjoying herself at all so I ended the session.

She didn't like standing in the snow so she decided to use me to keep her feet warm.

I'll have to get the rest of them on a milder day or find a place to photograph them indoors.

The best way to check on the adoption status of this dog (and other dogs and cats and other small domestic animals) is to visit Toronto Animal Services or call 416 338 6668 for the Toronto Animal Services South shelter.


  1. What an incredible cutey-pie! Those ears are just adorable!

  2. Oh, those ears! They almost look too heavy for the pup to carry! Too adorable.

  3. Gotta love them to precious their ears give them personality i would take one in a flash xoxo
