
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Beau's been here too long

Some dogs get overlooked. Beau has been at Toronto Animal Services South since April. That's a ridiculous amount of time for a dog to be waiting in adoption, especially a dog like Beau. Now Beau's got cage presentation issues in that he really gets excited and barks in his kennel whenever he thinks someone might take him out for a bit of play but once leashed and out the door, he's fine.

When Beau goes on a walk, he's on a mission to follow his nose and that's the Beagle in him. When the walking stops, Beau chills right out. When I sit down beside him, he wiggles over and puts his paw on my lap. He looks up at me to see if that's okay then he lays his chin down on his paw. Rather irresistible, that move.

Beau can be quite reactive around other dogs - though I think it's actually gotten better since he's been at TAS for all these months. But so what if he doesn't like other dogs. I know lots of people who don't like dogs and they're not still up for adoption.

Other than that, Beau doesn't come with a lot of baggage. I don't think he's been abused and so he doesn't have a sad story to tell. He's no longer a squiggly puppy and doesn't have the "prestige" of being a purebred. Maybe all of these things have conspired against him and kept him at TAS for too long, always passed over for not being young enough or sad enough or big enough or small enough. But Beau is full of life and love and that is enough. He just needs someone to spend a bit of time with him, to give him a chance, to see his good qualities shine through.

Beau's adoption profile is here.


  1. The fact that he is a good dog is enough. Dogs don't always have to meet face to face in an intimate manner. People don't do that unless we have known each other for a very long time and then it is reserved only for peopel we really like. So if he is tightly bonded with his caregiver, he really has no need of other dogs. And starting slowly introducing him may be the answer. first just seeing other dogs out and about and then from maybe ten feet, five feet and three feet over time. I wish all the best for him and certainly hope that he finds a home soon.

  2. Surprised no one's swooped him up yet. Just looking at his pics, I find him irresistible, quite adorable. I guess he's just my kind of dog--love the freckles. The Supreme's were right: you can't hurry love. But hopefully, with your efforts at matchmaker, he won't have to wait much longer.

  3. I can't believe this handsome devil hasn't been snatched up by someone! Fred, your blog needs a newspaper column to reach more people! I am sure if your pictures/stories were seen by more people, magic could happen! This is going to be my mission! Good luck Beau! Keep us updated please!

  4. Beau just got adopted today, at last!!

  5. That's fantastic news! I'll have to get the scoop from James.

  6. Beau, I'm so glad you now have a home. Seeing your pictures and hearing your story wrenched at my heart. Hope you are going on long walks with your nose to the ground.

  7. Wow, I like to think it was your blog Fred! Heartwarming news!
