
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tito - Labrador mix

I quite often see police officers at TAS South checking out the adoptable dogs. It's kind of heartwarming to see these armed men in their flack jackets gushing over the dogs.

Two officers were especially interested in Tito as I was taking photos of him the other day and Tito soaked up their attention. The only time Tito ever really left their sides was when passers by stopped to ask for directions (I suspect officers get asked for directions a lot cuz it wasn't me) and then Mister Casanova would be sidling up to the strangers for more affection.

We ended up talking for a bit and I learned that one of the two officers had just adopted a dog from TAS a few weeks ago. He pulled out his smart phone and proudly showed me some of the dozens of photos he had of his new family member. Now he was bringing his partner around who also wanted to adopt.

For adoption information on this dog and other dogs (and cats and other animals), please visit Toronto Animal Services.


  1. Surprised no one has commented on this handsome boy. The socks and the blaze are priceless. Hoping that TAS doesn't have "black dog syndrome". I think he's a great looking chap.

  2. Yes, he's very handsome indeed. Hope he finds a home soon!
