Bravo, an American Bulldog, came through TAS-South late last year. After spending a while at TAS-S, he was transferred out to TAS-East to see if he would have better luck there getting placed and indeed, a little while later, we got word he was adopted.
A couple of weeks ago, this ad turned up on Kijiji:
Email inquiries were sent a few days after the ad went up but no response so far. It took TAS several weeks to find an appropriate home for Bravo. I'd be concerned if his new owners were able to give him away to a stranger after just a couple of days of advertising on Kijiji.
Monday, November 14, 2011
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A request
The reason for this blog is to help get specific dogs adopted from TAS but equally important is to try to normalize the idea of shelter dogs being just as good and just as desirable as any other dogs including those which are regularly merchandised by backyard breeders, puppy millers and those few remaining pet store owners who still feel a need to sell live animals. The single greatest stigma shelter animals still face is the belief that shelter animals are substandard animals. Anyone who has had enough experience with shelter animals knows this is untrue but the general public hasn't had the same experiences you've had. They see a nice dog photo in a glossy magazine and too many of them would never think of associating that dog with a dog from a shelter. After all, no one abandons perfectly good dogs, right? Unfortunately, as we all know, perfectly good dogs are abandoned all the time.
The public still too often associates shelter dogs with images of beat up, sick, dirty, severely traumatized animals and while we definitely sometimes see victims such as these, they are certainly not the majority and, regardless, even the most abused animals can very often be saved and made whole again.
Pound Dogs sometimes discusses the sad histories some of the dogs have suffered. For the most part, though, it tries to present the dogs not as victims but as great potential family members. The goal is to raise the profiles of animals in adoption centers so that a potential pet owner sees them as the best choice, not just as the charity choice.
So, here's the favour I'm asking. Whenever you see a dog picture on these pages you think is decent enough, I'd like you to consider sharing it on Facebook or any other social media sites you're using (I know many of you do this already and thank you for that). And when you share it, please mention that the dog in the photo is a shelter dog like so many other shelter dogs waiting for a home. If we can get even five percent of the pet buying public to see shelter dogs differently, to see how beautiful they are and how wonderful they are, and to consider shelter dogs as their first choice for a new family member, we can end the suffering of homeless pets in this country.
The public still too often associates shelter dogs with images of beat up, sick, dirty, severely traumatized animals and while we definitely sometimes see victims such as these, they are certainly not the majority and, regardless, even the most abused animals can very often be saved and made whole again.
Pound Dogs sometimes discusses the sad histories some of the dogs have suffered. For the most part, though, it tries to present the dogs not as victims but as great potential family members. The goal is to raise the profiles of animals in adoption centers so that a potential pet owner sees them as the best choice, not just as the charity choice.
So, here's the favour I'm asking. Whenever you see a dog picture on these pages you think is decent enough, I'd like you to consider sharing it on Facebook or any other social media sites you're using (I know many of you do this already and thank you for that). And when you share it, please mention that the dog in the photo is a shelter dog like so many other shelter dogs waiting for a home. If we can get even five percent of the pet buying public to see shelter dogs differently, to see how beautiful they are and how wonderful they are, and to consider shelter dogs as their first choice for a new family member, we can end the suffering of homeless pets in this country.
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Toronto area animal shelters
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2012 Pound Dog Calendars
- Ouch
- Marie - Rottweiler mix
- Noir - Black German Shepherd mix
- Tiger - Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Blondie - Yellow Labrador Retriever mix
- Richie - Terrier Daschund mix
- Nina - Fox and Jack Russell Terrier mix
- Paws R Us is a puppy mill
- Benny - Beagle mix
- Fae - German Shepherd mix
- Crunch
- 500 seized Paws R Us dogs still in limbo being car...
- 17 Anishnabe Dogs at Toronto Animal Services
- Ruby - Terrier mix
- 4 Great Pet PSAs
- Baxter - German Pointer mix
- O'Malley's x-ray
- Pound Dogs Calendar 2012
- Veronica - Boxer mix
- Flanders - Black Labrador Retriever
- Marty - Yellow Labrador Retriever
- Bravo - Lost to Kijiji
- Beans - Labrador Retriever mix
- Simone's breed
- Unnamed - Golden Retriever mix
- Keera - Bernese Beagle mix
- One more batch of cat photos
- Update on Oscar
- Toronto Animal Services wins 2011 Summit for Urban...
- Jasmine - German Shepherd puppy
- Modern Dance
- Kylie - Shepherd Spitz mix
- Sunday Cats
- Saturday cat
- Friday Cat
- Thursday Cat
- Wednesday Cat
- Tuesday cat
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What's That?5 years ago
Late Night Musings: Clearing the Shelters5 years ago
Simon Loves the Snow!7 years ago
That is very sad. I notice they asked that a contract be signed, but that is worthless unless you are willing to enforce it. "Free to a good home" is usually not a good idea. I hope this boy is okay. Would be great if the owner would follow up with TAS.
"A CONTRACT must be signed"? There's a death in the family so the dog has to get the boot?
Sounds like theres more to the story here than meets the eye.
There was also a recent report in the Niagara Falls paper about dogs that became missing and they wound up on Kijiji.. This isn't right!!!
Timing of this is too bizarre. Gideon from TAS North suffered the same fate but was returned to TAS N yesterday. Here is his Craigslist ad :
I called the 647 and was told " too late as he was already adopted "
His current TAS profile :
Hard not to feel searing anger at these scumbags.
Anon, wasn't Gideon turned into TAS North along with a female Rottie of the same age? Anyway, I'm glad he ended up back at TAS and not a Kijiji statistic.
Fred, does TAS keep a record of who has adopted them and if so, can they not be charged with something?
Flossy, I've never heard of them charging anyone for something like this before - if a charge is even possible. The most they usually do is put a Do Not Adopt notice up on someone's profile and I'm not even sure they're allowed to do that anymore.
What is wrong with people? Scumbag is right!!! Why is it so easy for these people to just disown their dog. I hate these stories. I want to believe good serious people are adopting dogs frm the pound and are going to give them a home for life regardless of what could come up in their life. That they'll make sacrifices to keep their dog if hardships do occur...i guess it is wishful thinking when scumbags like this exist. If the person, who adopted and then just wks later put the free ad up for his adoption, has any decency,and if they care at all - they'll get in touch with TAS. There's got to be a better way to get this dog a new home. Doing it through free ads is wrong.
Can anyone tell me if TAS does follow up calls or visits after someone adopts..visits I doubt but how about calls to check on dog? Also a good idea if they did track and ban people frm adopting again when things like this occur..or even if city got involved and put a no pet rule for the person..that would be good too. We need more things in place to deter people who are not serious about pet ownership frm getting a pet.
A dog like this, well any dog really...can not be safe being advertised on the internet. Especially a free post. He could get into the wrong hands! This is very dangerous and I thought people knew better. Why could the people not contact the shelter where they adopted him from and explain their issue to them. Or contact a rescue group. Anything but a free ad on the internet for godsake. I hope the people come to realize how wrong they were to post such an ad, & take it down. That is if the dog is still with them!!! He seems like a great dog by his description and I am hoping today he will be ok, he will be lucky in the future and find a loving home for his life.
Anon, TAS South does follow up calls after an adoption to see how things are going but I'm not sure if this is policy or individual staff taking an interest in the welfare of the adopted animals. Even if there are follow up calls, there are probably only one or two per adoption done within the first few weeks of the adoption. They wouldn't continue indefinitely.
What's this due to a death in the family bs??? Unless the damn dog died, how the hell does a death in the family affect the dog's standing. What a cop out. Do these dimbulbs not comprehend that since they didn't honour their adoption contract with TAS, why would anyone honour an adoption contract with them. He could wind up as a bait dog, a research dog, all kinds of potentially horrible fates could await him. If they were responsible pet owners, they would have called TAS and discussed the situation with them.....not that they have any excuse whatsoever.